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Books of poetry in English, Italian and in bilingual versions

Books of poetry in English, Italian and in bilingual versions


Author: Gianluca Galli
Il primo volume de I Musicisti Di Origini Italiane Nel Jazz è una ricerca necessaria, mai tentata prima, che pone le fondamenta per la definizione di un peso ragionato circa l’influenza del genio e del talento italiano nella vicenda del Jazz statunitense ed europeo.
Un’enciclopedia tematica che esplora le vite e le carriere di centinaia di musicisti di origini italiane accreditati in incisioni di rilevanza jazzistica avvenute fino al 1942, la maggior parte dei quali completamente dimenticati.

Author: Matteo Summa
Un dittico per Niccolò van Westerhout vuole creare un approccio condiviso e inclusivo che affronti non solo la parte artistica cui si fa riferimento nei due “copioni” qui proposti (Casa van Westerhout e Ronde d’amour) che servono allo spettacolo, ma anche l’aspetto didattico, che si esplica sul piano storico e musicale.

Editors: Leonardo Campanile & Tiziano Thomas Dossena
"Rediscovered Operas Series" was created by our publishing house to propose the rediscovery of some operas of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. They were operas written and set to music that, for incomprehensible reasons, have not had the response they deserved in the musical and opera world or had success but have been forgotten through the years.

Editors: Leonardo Campanile & Tiziano Thomas Dossena
"Rediscovered Operas Series" was created by our publishing house to propose the rediscovery of some operas of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. They were operas written and set to music that, for incomprehensible reasons, have not had the response they deserved in the musical and opera world or had success but have been forgotten through the years.

Editors: Leonardo Campanile & Tiziano Thomas Dossena
"Rediscovered Operas Series" was created by our publishing house to propose the rediscovery of some operas of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. They were operas written and set to music that, for incomprehensible reasons, have not had the response they deserved in the musical and opera world or had success but have been forgotten through the years.

Editors: Leonardo Campanile & Tiziano Thomas Dossena
"Rediscovered Operas Series" was created by our publishing house to propose the rediscovery of some operas of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. They were operas written and set to music that, for incomprehensible reasons, have not had the response they deserved in the musical and opera world or had success but have been forgotten through the years.

Liriche per Voce e Pianoforte
Author: Niccolò van Westerhout
Ingiustamente negletta era rimasta finora la produzione di musica vocale da camera che pure contrassegnò tutta la carriera di Niccolò van Westerhout.
Le 29 liriche che qui si pubblicano per la prima volta in edizione moderna testimoniano della continuità compositiva in questo genere per quasi quindici anni.

Stabat Mater
Author: Pasquale La Rotella
Pasquale La Rotella was born on February 26, 1880 in Bitonto, by Vito, scribe, and by Bibiana Ambrosi, both exponents of wealthy Bitontine families. At the age of four, the little Pasquale played tunes by ear on a rudimentary tin reed and at 6 he joined the young band of Bitonto, put together by Maestro Nicola Bellezza who gave him the part of the piccolo.

Stabat Mater Napoli
Author: Tommaso Traetta
The medieval sequel Stabat Mater dolorosa, whose unsigned text is traditionally attributed to Jacopone da Todi, had a remarkable fortune during the Catholic Counterreformation [...] and soon entered the oral repertoires of the secular confraternities, especially in Southern Italy, constituting a strong emotional moment on the eve of Holy Week.

Terza Messa
Author: Michele Cantatore
Michele Cantatore is one of the most illustrious personalities that Ruvo has ever produced throughout its cultural history. A fine example of how culture can triumph over poverty, how light can dispel the dark, and how spirituality can overcome harsh situations.
Liriche - Songs For Voice and Piano
Author: Niccolò van Westerhout
Unfairly neglected has been so far the production of chamber vocal music, although prominent in the whole career of Niccolò van Westerhout.

Messa In Do / Vocal Score
Author: Tommaso Traetta
In Traetta’s biography, the contribution to European opera history with over forty titles, both serious and comic, was always emphasized. It was rather less considered the equally significant production in the sacred field.

Il Cavaliere Errante
Author: Tommaso Traetta
Il Cavaliere Errante (The Errant Knight), a comic-heroic drama, belongs to the last creative period of Tommaso Traetta: here he first developed the amiable side of his talent arriving to originality and acquired lightness in his musical expression.The opera is essentially a fairy tale:

Miserere / Vocal Score
Author: Tommaso Traetta
The Miserere, Psalm 50 of the Vulgata, interprets the feelings of repentance of David, King of Israel, guilty of adultery and murder. Traetta, thanks to the unique features of the Female Conservatory of Ospedaletto, had first brought into liturgical music the "virtuous" style without betraying the sacredness of the genre.

Stabat Mater - Monaco Di Baviera / Vocal Score
Author: Tommaso Traetta
Tommaso Traetta (Bitonto 1727 - Venice 1779) The Munich version of the Stabat Mater by Tommaso Traetta (1767) was found in Munich (Germany) in 1994 and performed the following year in the first modern day's performance in the seventeenth century's Chiesa del Carmine, at Bitonto's Maria Cristina Institute.

Doña Flor / Vocal Score
Author: Niccolò van Westerhout
Doña Flor is a lyrical drama in one act with music by Niccolò van Westerhout and libretto by Arturo Colautti. Composed for the theater of Mola di Bari, already named after van Westerhout, Doña Flor was performed for the first time on April 18, 1896.